Additional Work

Other projects that I am proud of & enjoyed working on.


Pluralsight | Goals Widget

BFA | Play Together, Succeed Together Exhibit

Pluralsight | Q&A Feature

Gif of the goals widget on mobile

Learn more about how the Goals Widget was built by viewing the Goals Widget case study.

Goals Widget

Pluralsight users struggle to stay motivated, even when they want to learn. By adding this widget, we are creating structure and a plan of action for those who want to learn.


Our users have the desire to continue their learning and set time based goals on how much they want to learn each week but lack the motivation to hit their goals.


We created a widget on Pluralsight’s home page that collects the users’ time-based goal. By email we remind the learner of their goal throughout the week and celebrate their success.


When we iterated on the widget, adoption of the feature increased by 10x. In early testing, we saw a 2% lift in two week retention for those who were exposed to the widget; for those who engaged with the widget we saw a 12% lift in two week retention. Pluralsight is happy to see users continue to ask for more goal options and increased times to learn.

Pluralsight | Dec 2019 - Feb 2020

I co-led the team in strategy. I updated the user flow, designed additional states, and uplifted the UI to better match the company's design patterns and system.

What is Pluralsight?

Pluralsight is a technology skills company, providing quality content for learners to up skill in the tech topic of their choice. Pluralsight’s mission is to democratize technology skills. Though initially focused around video content, over the last few years Pluralsight has expanded its resources to include hands on content, collaborative learning, and more.

play together succeed together exhibit

Play Together, Succeed Together Exhibit

Team games succeed when players know how to work together, and collaboration is no different. From school to work projects, collaboration is in everything we do.


Working with someone else is difficult. Even the best collaborators can find themselves struggling when put in a new group and not know why. For my Bachelor of Fine Arts’ project, I collaborated with a fellow student in creating an exhibit about collaboration.


After researching, various aspects of collaboration, we created an exhibit on how to become a better collaborator through a game analogy. Collaboration is about understanding who the players are, the game assembly, game modes, and game rules.


This information was displayed for two weeks in an interactive exhibit, set in the highest trafficked building on campus. We received high marks for our final assignment as well as winning first place in our category at BYU-I’s Research & Creative Works Conference. We were pleased to have multiple professors tell us that they encouraged their classes to view our exhibit and had us share our sources with them.

Brigham Young University–Idaho BFA Program | Jan 2015 - Jul 2015

This project was based on a partnership; Hailey Papworth and I worked on every part together. Together we conducted and synthesized research, emphasized key findings to sort into a flow of knowledge, designed the many informational pieces and graphics, art directed photography, and assembled the exhibit.

What is a BFA?

A Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) is a degree for those wanting to specialize in visual arts. Where most degrees have lecture or discussion classes a BFA focuses on studio classes, giving the student ample opportunities to learn practical skill. At Brigham Young University–Idaho, getting accepted into the Fine Arts program adds a year to your studies and concludes with a final year long extensive project.

Learn more about how the Q&A Feature was built by viewing the Q&A Feature case study.

Q&A Feature

The Q&A feature emphasizes learners working together to complete a task or reach a common goal through collaborative learning.


The average programmer only writes between 10 to 20 lines of debugged and tested code per day. Often, developers are seeking more direction; searching the web for answers. This can take hours and can lead to imperfect results. Pluralsight learners within a business plan struggle to know who to ask when they have a question about an organization-sensitive project.


We built an internal tool, Q&A, where our learners can ask and answer questions specific to projects they work on. Q&A then delivers those questions to the right people within their organization, who have the skills to answer.


Early metrics indicated 20% total active users and 14.3% of users consuming resources from a question. A few months post general release, I moved teams and stopped working on the Q&A feature. Since leaving they have focused on expanding into the public space as well as continued iteration on the original experience.

Pluralsight | Feb 2018 - Mar 2019

I co-led the team in strategy and research. I designed the user flows, created the visual & interactive designs, designed prototypes, and conducted visual quality assurance.

What is Pluralsight?

Pluralsight is a technology skills company, providing quality content for learners to up skill in the tech topic of their choice. Pluralsight’s mission is to democratize technology skills. Though initially focused around video content, over the last few years Pluralsight has expanded its resources to include hands on content, collaborative learning, and more.


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | Global Templates