Elements Android App

Financial advisors need an easy way for their clients to maintain their information so that they can provide the best advice. We solved this by introducing a native application, meeting the clients where they are and delivering prompts according to their financial needs.


Financial advisors need an easy way for their clients to keep their information current and partners with their web app.


We designed a client centric native mobile application that makes financial planning an easy & enjoyable experience. This was made possible by designing the ability to link financial accounts to the Elements system, manually update or add net worth items, and track financial wealth holistically.


I delivered a go to market design for the Android application. Presented to key stakeholders in the company and delivered final designs & user flows to the dev team. This work is currently in development.

Elements • Oct 2021-Nov 2022

I was brought in as a contractor to initially build out the Android application. I aided in the design and direction of the advisor web app, designed net new user flows, & built out the Android design system.

What is Elements?

Elements is a startup that revolutionizes how financial advisors attract, onboard, & deliver ongoing advice to their clients. The product spans across responsive web, native iOS, & Android applications.


Pluralsight | Badges


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | Global Templates